• Breaking News

    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Broken Lines A Message from our Game Director and Producer - Hans von Knut

    Broken Lines A Message from our Game Director and Producer - Hans von Knut

    A Message from our Game Director and Producer - Hans von Knut

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Greetings all Broken Lines players!

    With the latest Patch "v1.0.2" now named The Gleeful Garand the Broken Lines excitement train keeps on rolling. Please do check out the Patch Notes as we have added several new features, fixed the balancing in key areas, and of-course fixed the most troublesome bugs.

    If you have already checked out the Patch Notes, we've got two special messages for you!
    • First, the Game Director and Producer of Broken Lines, Hans Von Knut, has a message for you all!
    • Second, today at 15:00 CET we will once again be streaming on {LINK REMOVED}, {LINK REMOVED} and {LINK REMOVED}! This is your chance to get a live response to any and all questions that you may have!

    A Message from the Broken Lines Game Director and Producer
    Originally posted by Hans von Knut:
    Hello all you Broken Lines players!

    We want to do our best to make the gameplay experience the best that we can for all of you so I want to explain how we work on the Patches!

    To make sure that we prioritise what needs to be worked on in the best way possible, we have been following all the the Steam forum discussions, the Discord Channel, our Facebook, Twitter, the various gaming site reviews and of-course the many Youtube comments about the game as closely as possible. This is simply so that we can figure out what has bothered you the most.

    So we are proud to have just launched the first major patch since the launch of the game - a patch that has been created for you!

    The patch focuses on several issues, most importantly:

    We have increased the number of viable builds for your squad which allows you to focus on the direction much earlier on in the campaign. This includes rebalancing the content of the shop and buffing the semi-automatic rifles along with some of the less frequently used abilities.

    We also heard a lot of comments about the behaviour of all soldiers (yours and the enemies) so we have made them "smarter" when panicking. This results in a slight nerf to the effect of suppression in general, thus making you a bit less dependent on SMG's.

    The way that we communicated the story and goals during the levels also led to some questions so we improved a lot of the placement, timing and prerequisites of events and win-conditions in levels.

    Finally we come to the bug fixes.
    We've heard your cries of pain, so after looking through all of the reports (thank you to everyone that reported the bugs) we have put a huge effort into removing some of the most bothersome bugs. Floaty animations when in panic, geometry issues and visual "ugliness" in some levels, some "soft blocks" that forced levels to be reloaded are just some of the bugs that we fixed!

    Of-course, that is not all - we are already starting work on the next patch. So if there is anything you are missing, then please write it in the discussion. We will keep digesting all the feedback and work hard on making the game as good as possible, for all of you.

    Thank you for your time - and have a good weekend with Broken Lines!

    Broken Lines Update v1.0.2 "The Gleeful Garand"

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:11 AM PST

    The second update for Broken Lines is going to be released today, so here are the patch notes.

    Please note that saved games with in-level checkpoints may reset to the beginning of the level (no composure cost though). This is unfortunately necessary and we apologize for the inconvenience.

    New Features
    • A UI size option has been added to the game settings menu and can be used to toggle between default and large UI
      Please note: The big UI may not play well with 4:3 resolutions - all other resolutions should be just fine.
    • The difficulty selection box now has a 'custom' option which will open the settings allowing the player to customize the difficulty, once this window is closed the game will start the game.
    • The target lines have been slightly modified to show 'cover' status even when out of range of an enemy.
    • Checkpoints are now clearly marked with a full screen fade-in notice.
    • Added the wait information menu to "Wreck"

    Balancing Changes
    • Garand and Gewehr43: now does less damage but fires faster and does more suppression damage.
    • Assault training Ability: time between volleys slightly increased
    • Sneaker Ability: Increased threat reduction even further, no longer disappears when fired at.
    • Eagle eye Ability: Now actually increases spottable range by 80%
    • Several "less used" abilities have been buffed slightly (e.g. "Drunken" and "Chicken" had ROF penalty removed).

    Bug Fixes
    • Panicking characters should now seek cover correctly
    • Rotating the camera when looking over the edge of a map into the void will no longer cause chaos with the camera
    • "Ambush" should now work correctly when loading the checkpoint
    • 'Wounded' state is no longer incorrectly removed when loading a checkpoint
    • Button prompt for mission outro 'continue' button should now position correctly
    • Increased animation speed for the panic run animation
    • Events should now trigger correctly at the "Greed" entrance
    • The gate should now open correctly in "Retribution"
    • The antenna box in "Contact" should now be more noticable
    • The roof on the big building at the end of uncertainty should now once more be grenade proof
    • Settings menu should reset settings correctly now when exiting without saving
    • Pacifist Ability now correctly shows the accuracy reduction
    • Covered Ability should now show up in your inventory after "Greed"
    • Several levels have been tweaked in regards to colliders and nav-mesh.

    Controller Specific
    • End level box can now be minimized
    • Soldiers can now be selected for the squad from the customize menu

    Bug fixes
    • Selection focus should no longer be lost when pressing 'up' on the pre-campfire night scene
    • Equipment stats should no longer show over the character biography

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